Sunday, April 25, 2010

Making a momma proud

Today Jacob and I took a trip over to Jennings Park. For me it was a chance to photograph all the great and beautiful blooms, for him it was a chance to be momma's little helper and protege! This pic shows his total concentration on getting that perfect shot. Jenning's Park has an amazing community garden with a wide variety of flowers, ornamental grasses, fruit trees, vegetables... you name it, it has it. Can not wait to go back when the lily's have bloomed.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Luxury AK "Beat So Sick" (Official Video)

So remember that weekend we went to Portland to shoot the music video for LUXURY A.K.? Well here it is! If you don't remember or don't know what I am talking about...well, back in February we headed down to Bad Scene Productions in PDX to shoot this amazing video. We had an intense, labor filled day with lots of laughter and DANCING! ENJOY....

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Saturday Morning

Well it's not a beautiful Saturday morning as it appears to be a bit gray and drizzly outside, but inside I've found myself sucked into my new photo software. THIS MAKES ME HAPPY! I will have to say I am quite happy with the picture I produced this morning, so HAPPY SATURDAY!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring is here! My new camera is here! Soon there will be more pictures here! Excited, yeah maybe a little. And all this picture taking may unfold into more great things. And as more great things unfold, more opportunities appear. Enjoy what's to come as much as I enjoy seeing it through my camera.


Please enjoy these random photos out of my photography collection!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

WHIRLWIND....A week in review!

Holy cow where have the last 8 days gone???? Can someone please get me a recap? Oh wait, maybe I can do that. Lets see where can we begin, ready? Hang on cuz here is the recap...

Saturday...Kinetic4 at Pacific Science Center. AKA ~ Binky's, GlowSticks and WaterBottles Oh My? I was on hand representing Qulture Qreative as an "Event Manager" (sounds so important) to handle 'The House of Charlatan'. Who are they you ask? It's those cute boys up top of this post. Seattle's vogue house started by Casey Sagisi. These boys contort their bodies into positions that make my every joint and muscle in my body hurt. And let me tell you, they are making their presence know up on Capital Hill, whether it's performing at Hard Times, Comeback or heck any party they show up at. I believe their next performance will be at my boy DJ Tony B's new night YES at the Chapel starting this Wednesday. (YES...the Chapel! $5 martinis = mmmm....mmmmm good!) And what was Kinetic4? WoW...lets just say it was the largest dance party I have ever been too. 4 rooms of incredible music, 2000 crazy people combined with lots of 'party favors'! Truly a great people watching experience.
Sunday...EASTER and my lady is flyin home! Not too much happened other than being extremely tired and just enjoyin the day with our family. Dinner: Roasted chicken, macaroni, cornbread and salad. All the comfort foods.
Monday....*Deep Deep Sigh* Off to work we go, back to the routine! Only to be BLINDSIDED by the shocking news that one of my FAVORITE patients had passed away. RIP Marsha Goodin. I will never forget you and you will keep hearing my stories. Actually, I think now you are up in the sky looking over me getting to live my life with me. Marsha was amazing, she lived vicariously through my stories of my "CRAZY" weekends and all this stuff I participate in. She would get mad at me if all I did for the weekend was sit home and enjoy my family.
Tuesday & Wednesday...Just busy days. Getting the girls in the studio to rehearse for Luxury A.K. performance on Saturday. Work. Just the usual.
Thursday...Momma Bev arrived! Amidst all the craziness of getting ready for Hard Times, Kendall's mom came into town. We spent Thursday evening having a nice dinner and just good family time and conversation.
Friday...Its almost over right??? The week is about to end??? This evening was spent running a family sweatshop. We had zines to fold and EP's to assemble. All of us took part and had it done in no time. Meanwhile, Shrek 2 was playing in the background and Jacob and I were reciting lines word for word. Watch it much...only like 1000 times when he was a little buck!
Saturday...WE ARE HERE!! Its time for that monthly party that Seattle loves so much..HARD TIMES! I think I will do a blog all on its own for this, cuz it deserves it's own space! in today! Well I am beat! Its a chance to play catch up while Kendall is over in Westport and then Olympia visiting her fam. That being said...I'm gonna wrap this one up and see if I have the energy for another.
XOXO until next time!

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Blustery One...

WOWZERS....What a day! How's that saying go ~ "In like a lion, out like a lamb". Lets just say good ole mother nature gave us a slap in the face today! Here it is April 2nd and we had 60mph winds, rain that was not only going sideways but then sideways again and of course because this is the PNW, a lil bit of sunshine thrown in the mix. But it was still as cold as H-E-Double hockey sticks. Luckily I am not enjoyin this evening in the dark or cold as some may be, we LOVE underground utilities!! But...I am home alone tonight. Boo hoo for me. The lady's down in Palm Springs playin them records for the lesbians. Jealous...yeah maybe a skoosh.

So follow up to the game situation at Grammy's! Boy, has this left me to be the bad guy in the situation. THANK YOU MOM! So I go to pick him up today only to hear my mom say "Amy the game is only pretend", "As long as you don't make a big deal...", its no different than Tom & Jerry cartoons". MOM AYFKM??????? As I proceed to rip the stickers off the package I see: Rated M (that's for mature, not an 8 yr old) for the following reasons - Blood & Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content and Use of Drugs. All things perfect for a 8 yr old boy, right?!?!?! WRONG!!!! The plain fact that he has to "turn down" the volume not to hear the "F" word or any other totally inappropriate language speaks volumes. This is completely and totally awesome. Do you sense a lil sarcasm??? So all that being said, I have confiscated the game until he is 17! Meaning...he hates me right now = I'm doing my job as a parent! Now I just need to figure out a way to let my mom know she has COMPLETELY stepped outta bounds.

Well I'm gonna wrap up in my blanket and continue to watch my favorite movie of ALL TIME...Pretty Woman! "Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream? Everyone has dream...."

Until tomorrow....XOXO!